Safety in the field

Birding is a fun and exciting activity enjoyed by people of all ages. However, it’s important to be aware of potential safety hazards while birding in the field. In this blog post, I will discuss some of the most common safety concerns and how to address them before heading out to the field, as well as how to deal with problems that arise on the spot.

1. Bring a friend: Birdwatchers often move around in small flocks, which offer safety in numbers, companionship, and extra eyes for spotting wildlife. But setting out solo is also common. At the very least, know your route and tell someone where you’ll be. Consider carrying a whistle as well. When abroad, travel only with groups.

2. Avoid unnecessary conflict: Urban green spaces and designated hunting areas can be excellent for birding. Although nature lovers may bristle at some of the activities taking place there, it’s important to avoid confrontations with others. In fact, an alleged drug dealer in Central Park once helped a birdwatcher locate a rare species. Dumps and sewage pits can also yield exotic species. But be sure to check on the regulations for entering such sites—many contain hazardous materials and are off-limits to the public.

3. Be aware of potentially perilous wildlife: There are few animals in North America that are dangerous to humans other than humans themselves. Nonetheless, it’s wise to be cautious in areas where ticks are numerous, and at times wear a head net to ward off black flies and mosquitoes. Many birders use DEET-based insect repellent. Those who prefer a more natural alternative can use plant-based repellents, which generally contain lemon and eucalyptus oil.

4. Respect sensitive species: Be aware of sensitive and threatened species that might be vulnerable to disturbance. Do not share nest locations of these species except with appropriate wildlife officials or conservation scientists. Stay at a distance where you are not agitating birds or modifying their behavior, especially near nests.

5. Be prepared for emergencies: Always carry a first-aid kit with you when birding in the field. The kit should include items such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, insect repellent, sunscreen, and any necessary medications.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your birding experience is both safe and enjoyable.

Remember, safety should always be your top priority when venturing into the field.

Happy birding! 🐦🌳